Application For Membership - (candidates are reviewed in April and September)

Metropolitan Artists accepts candidates of proven high professional standards actively engaged in the making of unique and original works of art.

Fine Art Sculpture Photography Fine Craft Computer Art Print making

Applications are reviewed at the semi-annual membership meetings. The deadline for materials to arrive are August 31-- for the September meeting and March 31--for the April meeting. A sheet of 20 slides of works completed within the past two years, a resume, and an artist statement is required. As membership is limited, the number of candidates accepted will vary. There is no fee for applying. Your check will be returned if your application is not accepted.

Please type or print neatly with blue or black ink.

Name ______________________________________________________

Address ____________________________________________________

City ________________________________________________________

State _______________ Zip ______________ - _________

Phone (home) ________-___________________

Phone (business) ________-___________________

E-Mail ______________________________________

I am applying for membership in the following categories:

___ Fine Arts ___ Fine Craft ___ Photography
___ Sculpture ___ Computer Art ___ Print making

Annual Dues........................ $50.00
Initial fee (one time only)...... $35.00

When submitting application be sure to include all supporting materials along with your completed application form, a SASE, and a check made payable to Metropolitan Artists for the amount indicated above.

mail to: Metropolitan Artists
42-16 West Street
Long Island City, NY 11101