a member-supported, non-political, non-profit art organization
operating under the umbrella of the West Side Arts Coalition.
It was first established over two decades ago to unite outstanding
visual artists through their membership by serving as a vehicle
of communication and artistic support.
As an organization, we have exhibited in such prestigious locations
as the Cork Gallery at Lincoln Center and Lever House on Park
Avenue, as well as numerous independent galleries. Most recently
we have been re-invited to exhibit in the Library of the Cornell
Medical Center.
Collectively, our individual members are credited with countless
solo and group exhibitions throughout the United States including
commercial, university, and corporate art galleries. Internationally,
our culturally diverse group of artists has exhibited in Europe,
Asia, and the Middle East.
Visit our
Slide Show to
get a quick overview of our organization's multitude of talent,
or to view additional works by individual artists proceed to the
artists section
this site. If you are interested in becoming a member you may
print a Metropolitan Artists member application form html
or pdf format
mail it to us. Thank you for visiting our site...enjoy.